And thank you for sharing a bit from my piece on here. I'm glad it resonated.

Cindy--what an important inquiry. the language we use matters so much, and stay-at-home is literally confining us with language. What about "I'm a mother" said with groundedness and power? Do we need the professional piece there, or can we just reclaim the value of the word in the saying it powerfully?

I was talking with a friend about a similarly-absent term for women who choose not to become mothers. All the language that exists is about them lacking in some way (kidfree, childless)--it all defines them for what they're not, not what they are. Definitely another one that needs an apt word, though I'm probably not the one to create that one!

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Fixed your name. So sorry about that! Yes, I think we need to do away with "working mother" and "mom guilt" and then there are words we don't yet have that we need to claim. Why is claiming "I'm a mother" inherently lacking? Only due to misogyny. We all know that being a mother is not only a job, and a role, and an identity but also a lot! Sometimes I think the conflict we feel with the term mother is that we know it could subsume all other identities if we let it. Lately I've been thinking about how becoming a wife and mother sometimes makes us feel smaller, diminishes us buried by responsibilities, while becoming a husband and father allows men to become bigger. Anyway, lots to think about here. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for fixing it so quickly!

And yes it’s so hard to own “I’m a mother” powerfully *and* not let it bury all our other identities.

I wonder if, when we day “I’m a writer,” it doesn’t carry the same charge because no one assumes that writing is all consuming?

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I'm not a mother (yet, perhaps) but I feel like I'm preparing myself for the economic, physical, and mental hurdles of motherhood when reading your newsletter. Very thought provoking content!

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