I cannot wait to read your memoir. This line is so true: "No one teaches women how to leave." SO TRUE. Loved this post.

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Thank you, for being vulnerable with us readers.

This has given me a lot to think about, regarding seeing if therapy involving MDMA could benefit me.

I, as I’m sure all your readers, appreciate the fact that you’re always willing to write with openness, and that you don’t skip over the hard truths.

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Thank you for being willing to share. 💚

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You’ve been on an amazing journey! Thank you for sharing. I have been curious about using something similar for my PTSD and depression, but not sure whether it would be “worth it”. I need to do more research, but it definitely was the right decision for you.

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I've heard good things about psychedelics, I'm glad you had the opportunity to try it. I can't wait to read your memoir!!

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Thank you for sharing so honestly. I find it fascinating. I would love to read your memoir.

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Cindy, I love all your writing so much. You are so brave with all you have gone thru and I truly appreciate you being so open and honest with us all. It's inspiring. You articulate how it feels so well and beautifully.

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Can’t wait to read more about this and listen too. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

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This was fascinating, I can't wait to read your book. I also read How to Change Your Mind and I can't exactly put my finger on why, but there was something bro-y about it to me. I wasn't sold. But I think hearing from a woman, especially having also had that excruciating experience of deciding to get divorced, I am much more interested in the potential of psychedelics now.

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I totally agree that a lot of the psychedelic writing right now is bro-y or even about microdosing which seems more like a productivity hack than therapy per se (but I haven’t tried it). And he didn’t write about MDMA because his doctor wouldn’t allow it! I go into mad detail in my book about my experiences but may tease a few more details here especially if it is behind the paywall. DM me too if you want to get deeper into what it involves.

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I’d like that 😺

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Hello pretty greetings…Would mind following back thanks

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